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The Fix


Blueprints, best practices, and a standardized way to implement Organizational Efficiency covering the 11 categories across the organization; which defines the stages, steps, and engagement for a successful and sustainable implementation


The Impact you Get

Purpose Driven Org, Aligned Strategic Growth, Collaborative KPI's

  • Blueprints to create alignment across the org 

  • Community Development Plan

  • Collaborative KPIs to track & and their impact across the org

  • Department Structure Design to promote autonomous and efficient decision-making

  • Technology Recommendation and Roadmap to reduce costs and prepare for scale 

  • Process flows and blueprints to improve efficiency from meetings, communication, and workflows

  • Purpose-Led and Autonomous Leadership Development Strategy (and training)

  • More...

Example: Report

After a full data set from both the Score and Benchmark we then present the results highlighting areas of need (based on higher or lower scores), areas of differentiation (where leadership differs in perception from staff) and an outline of which areas should be a priority.


For each of the 11 sub-areas, we detail specific steps to take to gain short term engagement, timelines for impact, roadmaps to fix and blueprints to support implementation

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